PX-Web - Table - ÅSUB


Koulutusluokitus 2003 - Doria

This is a 3-level hierarchical classification. Level 1 (TXT 1KB) known as "broad fields" contains 10 categories with 1-digit codes. Level 2 (TXT 1KB) known as "narrow fields" contains 26 categories with 2-digit codes. Subject Erasmus Description Subject codes Isced Code Subject ISCED Description Agricultural Sciences 01.0 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery Agriculture 01.1 620 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) Agricultural Economics 01.2 629 Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others) Food Science and Technology 01.3 541 Food processing Liste der ISCED-F 2013-Codes Die ISCED -F 2013 -Codes (International Standard Classification of Education) der UNESCO dienen der Klassifizierung der Lehrinhalte in der Mobilitätsvereinbarung (Mobility Agreement) für STA. Broad field Narrow field Detailed field 00 Generic programmes and qualifications 001 Basic programmes and qualifications In addition to the detailed fields in the table above; “0”, “8” and “9” may be used (see also the guidelines in Sections 7 and 8): “8” is used at the narrow and detailed field level when classifying inter-disciplinary or broad programmes and qualifications to the broad field in which the greater part of the intended learning time is spent (e.g. 0288 “Interdisciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities”). Context: The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97) is used to define the levels and fields of education .

Isced codes

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Item 5 contains the FSCED/ISCFD conversion key. 620 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from upper/single tier 710 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from lower tier tertiary 720 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from upper/single tier tertiary 800 ISCED 6, doctoral degree 5555 Other * This code does not exist in ISCED. Digit 1: The first digit of the code represents the 8 ISCED11 levels: Draft ISCED 2011 for global consultation Page 3 knowledge, strategies, etc.). Communication may be verbal or non-verbal, direct/face-to-face or indirect/remote, and may involve a wide variety of channels and media. ISCED-F 2013 codes • 0110: Education, not further defined (05.0, 05.1 -1, 14, 140) • 0111: Education science (05.7, 05.8 ISCED refers to fields of education while higher education generally refers to fields of study. There are in fact 25 fields of study organised in broad groups.

Certificate level n.f.d..

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03 . PDM, RSM, IAM 071 Engineering and engineering trades MB … The ISCED 1997 is available from the UNESCO website.

Isced codes

ESCO - Escopedia - Europeiska kommissionen

0732. BGU. Geology.

Isced codes

Based on ISCED-2011 classification, ISCED-A codes No formal education or below ISCED 1 ISCED 1 Primary education ISCED 2 Lower secondary education  Country Code, Demographic event, Date of event, Short description of event, Note Programme (ISCED mapping) not included in ETER, Exclusion cases in  ISCED 0 and 1 (code 01): Pre-primary education and primary education or first stage of basic education. Last Update: 2014-11-18. Usage Frequency: 1. Quality:.
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Sweden A B C D E F G H I J 1 ETER ID National identifier

See chapter 15.2. Housing and region. WADA developed the Code Implementation Support Program (CISP) to help World Anti-Doping Code (Code) Signatories prepare for implementation of the 2021  Apple programs Everyone Can Code and Develop in Swift provide everything teachers need to bring coding into the classroom.

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note:remarks:For  ISCED 2 (code 02) Lower secondary education or second stage of basic ISCED 0 and 1 (code 01) Pre primary education and primary education or first stage  Parent ISCO code: ISCO-08 code of the parent concept. ESCO CSV files with skills/competence data are structured in the following way: Concept URI: URI of the  under the same ISCED study field codes[1] should be aggregated to make up one single reference group. Please note that the new ISCED codes are used. Isced-Universidade Agostinho Neto - Angola. Flera branscher. Följare.

basic education - Swedish Translation - Lizarder

Aggregate codes can be identified with the aid of the code "99" as the 5th and 6th digit, or with the help of a separate classification for code type (see chapter 3.2.1). General field Specific field ISCED code Animal Sciences Animal breeding and Genetics 0841 Animal nutrition 0841 Applied Zoology 0841 Animal Health and Behaviour 0841 Animal Health Management 0841 Animal Production Systems 0841 Applied Communication Science Strategic Communication in Innovation 03 Health and Quick reference of ISCED-P and ISCED-A codes in ISCED 2011; ISCED 2011 Operational Manual Guidelines for Classifying National Education Programmes and Related Qualifications The structure of education systems varies widely between countries. ISCED 1997 (and 2011) Fields of Education O General programmes 01 Basic programmes 08 Literacy and numeracy 09 Personal development 1 Education 14 Teacher training and education science 2 Humanities and Arts 21 Arts 22 Humanities 3 Social sciences, business and law (minus business and law) 31 Social and behavioural science ISCED-Code – Zuordnung zu den Studienfächern 1 1. Zuordnung ISCED-Codes zu den Studienfächern Studienfach ISCED (FB01) Wirtschaftsinformatik 041 - Business and administration (bei überwiegender Belegung wirtschaftswissen-schaftlicher Kurse) oder 061 Faculties (ISCED Codes) Language Requirements Erasmus+ Faculties (ISCED Codes) Bachelor (German); Some Modules may be offered in English; please look at https://www.uni- Erasmus+ ISCED Codes detail description PIROT 0112 Training for pre-school teachers NIS 0610 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not further defined 0719 Road Traffic (Department: Traffic engineering) 0732 Building and civil engineering (Department: Traffic engineering) 0712 Environmental protection technology (Department: Environmental protection) 0714 Electronics and ISCED Code 2 digits ISCED Code 3 Digits ASCED Code 00 Generic programs and qualifications 090701 090799 091900 091901 091903 099901 099903 091300 091301 091303 100703 100705 100707 040 Business, administration and law not further defined 080000 080100 080101 080300 080301 080303 080307 080309 080311 080313 080315 080317 080319 080321 080323 ISCED Codes ; ISCED Codes. Küçült Yazı Tipi Büyüt. ISCED Codes. Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı - Her Hakkı Saklıdır [] IPv6 Etkin ISCED Codes der Hochschule München | Erasmus+ .

620. Agriculture  CH017: CHILD EDUCATION. GENERIC, Sweden (SE), english. Explanatory notes. Country specific categories of education, ISCED-codes in brackets.